Find out what it means to win one of our awards.
You can't self-nominate or influence our consideration in any way other than to show us that you’re a consistently high performer that meets the criteria set by our expert researchers, assessors and testers.
First we test your product or assess your service, then we endorse it if it meets the benchmark we’ve set for its category. Only then will we consider it for an award.
We’ll email the contact we have for your business, but the news must remain strictly UNDER OUR EMBARGO until we publicly announce the shortlist on our social channels and have tagged each business – usually a week later.
If you’d like us to let you know if you’ve been shortlisted, and we don’t already have your details, please complete our Find out more enquiry form.
Every invited business gets free tickets – 2 per business, 5 if you’ve been shortlisted.
We announce all Which? Brand of the Year category winners during the actual awards event, then on our social media channels.
A winner’s trophy, a framed magazine cover, the opportunity to say a few words up on the winner’s podium and a photo of you with your accolades. You also get a Which? Brand of the Year category endorsement logo to use free of charge on your promotional and other related materials for a year. It’s a brilliant way to show everyone that Which? recognises your business as a category-best of the year.
Wednesday 21 May, 14:00 - 17:00, at The View in The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London WC2A 3PE
We think the best way to celebrate being the best is by wearing your best business attire. We hope you think the same.
Shortlisted businesses can issue a press release or statement as soon as we’ve lifted our shortlist EMBARGO, so anytime between our announcement of the shortlist on social media and the actual start of the awards event.
If you’re the winner of your Brand of the Year category you can issue your own press release or statement as soon as we’ve lifted our winners EMBARGO, so anytime after 17:00 hours on Wednesday 8 May. We issue all winning businesses with a bespoke quote for you to use in your press release if you wish.
We also announce shortlisted businesses and winners through our own press activity.
If you have any questions about press, contact Charlotte Branson at for more information.
All licences that permit you to display a Which? Brand of the Year category award logo from 2024 will expire at midnight on Friday 31 May 2025. Please make sure the logo is removed from all your promotional and other materials by that time.
We will post the winner of each category on LinkedIn, X/Twitter and Instagram stories as they are announced. At the event, we ask that brands don’t post about winning on social channels until after Which? has posted and tagged your brand announcing you as a winner. You may then reshare those posts.
We welcome you to share that you are attending the event on socials, post photos when you are in the gallery area and use the hashtag #WhichAwards2024, however we do ask that no photos are taken during the ceremony and you don’t create your own graphic. We will also have a professional photographer and the photos will be available the next day.
Your account manager will then be in contact on Tuesday morning to send a congratulations email which will contain a link to the high res professional pictures, a ‘We won’ social asset to use, a quote from our CEO for you to use in a press release and winners licence agreement for the logo.
We welcome you to share that you’re attending using the hashtag, #WhichAwards2025, and take photos in the gallery, however we do ask that no photos are taken during the ceremony. We will have a professional photographer and the photos will be available the next day.
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